Kuriose Welten | Lesereihe zu Naturerscheinungen #4 | Doris Denekamp | 4. Juli

Event finishedTuesday, Jan 1, 2013 at 9:00 AM
Kuriose Welten | Lesereihe zu Naturerscheinungen #4 | Doris Denekamp | 4. Juli
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Liebe alle,

am kommenden Freitag – dem 04. Juli – setzen wir unsere Lesereihe „Kuriose Welten“ zu Naturerscheinungen fort. Wir freuen uns, dass die niederländische Künstlerin Doris Denekamp aus ihren Büchern „Handbook of the City Wild“ (dt. „Handbuch der Stadtwildnis“) und „If Bees Were Few …“ („Wenn es nur noch wenige Bienen geben würde …“) lesen wird.

Die Lesung beginnt pünktlich um 20:00 und wird auf englisch sein.

Herzliche Grüße und bis Freitag,

eure Zabriskies


If Bees Are Few …

If Bees are Few… – this quote of the American poet Emily Dickinson forms the starting point of the publication. What will happen if bees are few? The first part of the book consists of a series of images which reflects on the ancient relationship between man and bee, but the bee itself has disappeared from this archive. The core of the book is a story written by the British science and fiction writer Simon Ings, inspired by the collected images. He describes a society in which people are forced to adjust and start to resemble bees in unexpected ways. The cover of the book is made from seedpaper. If you plant the book, it will grow into a garden.

Handbook for the city wild

Handboek voor de Stadswildernis or Handbook for the City Wild is a small guide for survival in the city. The inspiration for this publication was the American zine Dwelling Portably, written and published by Bert and Holly Davis. In their typed records the Davises give tips and manuals for an autarchic life in a self build shelter. Besides they collected tips of other Americans living in tents or buses and who choose an independent way of life over a job and a house. All contributions are characterized by an incredible creativity in ways of finding free food, recycling materials and the utilization of informal economies. Dwelling Portably made me want to find out if a life off the grid is possible in the Netherlands. The fringes of the big cities became my field of research.

More about the books:



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