Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club #22: „Allomothering in the Anthropocene“

Event finishedWednesday, May 22, 2019 at 7:30 PM
Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club #22: „Allomothering in the Anthropocene“

Recently we learned that “The cells of the mother infiltrate across the placenta into the child, and the cells of the child infiltrate into the mother. Thus each one of us is a chimera of sorts, our bodies containing cell lines of others. “ (1)

We know we have to find new ways of multi species living on our planet dangerously close to tipping points of irreversibly changing living conditions. What does that mean for our relationships as mothers, fathers, or others? What is our vision of a co-living society ?

In April we initiated our current Reading Club theme ‚Motherness & Otherness’ starting with ideas of ‘Further Feminisms’ by Rebecca Solnit. This month we invite to explore the concept of ‘cooperative breeding’ – Allomothering – especially in the light of our current unstable times. According to Sara Blaffer Hrdy, allomothers, are “individuals of either sex who are not the mother”. 2

In ‘Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club’ we read texts together related to natural sciences, art, anthropology, postcolonialism, and (post)anthropocene, chosen from a female perspective looking beyond disciplines.Those who would like to attend the reading session, please rsvp via email to

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