Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club #29 - SOLASTALGIA - Grieving Ecological Loss

Event finishedWednesday, Mar 11, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club #29 - SOLASTALGIA - Grieving Ecological Loss

In 2005 the philosopher Glenn Albrecht coined the term “Solastalgia”.
solastalgia is the pain or sickness caused by the loss or lack of solace and the sense of isolation connected to the present state of one’s home and territory. 1

During session #28, reading together in the ‘Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet’ 2 anthology, we started our exchange on ecological loss and grief in general.
In the next session we want to deepen this study and conversation, give space to talk and share our feeling of loss. We see this as a practice to discuss tools to learn to deal with these emotions.
In the last session questions arose:

  • How and when did we lose rituals to grieve?
  • And how can we accept our ecological grief while people’s lives are directly threatened by climate change and environmental destruction?
  • How to grasp collective grief?
  • Is there a shift in the feeling of grief?

Image: Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, Untitled, 2011
In ‘Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club’ we read texts together related to natural sciences, art, anthropology, postcolonialism, and (post)anthropocene, chosen from a female perspective looking beyond disciplines.
Those who would like to attend the reading session, please rsvp via email until the 9th of March to

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