Uniformbooks was founded in 2011 by artist and publisher Colin Sackett an imprint for the visual and literary arts, cultural geography and history, music and bibliographic studies. The uniformity of the format and the expansive variety of the list and its subjects, is characteristic of our open approach to publishing. The printed quarterly Uniformagazine gathers contributions by the writers and artists that Uniformbooks works with, sometimes thematically, as well as slighter or singular content.
Since the late 1970s Colin Sackett has produced hundreds of printed works. His own work has been an investigation of editing and content, the licence to take broad issue and to play with the form, both disruptively and demonstrably. We have these titles in our programme:

„Anticipatory history“ poses the title term as a tool to help us connect past, present and future environmental change. Through discussion of a series of topics, a range of leading academics, authors and practitioners consider how the stories we tell about ecological and landscape histories can help shape our perceptions of plausible environmental futures.

Ronald Johnson’s lost English nature poem of the 1960s „The Book of the Green Man„: „He presents an image of England, or, to be precise, of sundry English scenes, with a vividness and a strangeness beyond the reach of any English poet, and unknown, I venture to say, since the days of Blake, Calvert and Palmer.“ |

„In the Field“ is a collection of interviews with contemporary sound artists who use field recording in their work. From its early origins in wildlife sound and in ethnographic research, field recording has expanded over the last few decades into a diverse range of practices which explore and investigate aspects of the lived environment, from the microscopic to the panoramic, through the medium of recorded sound

„The Keartons: Inventing nature photography“ is the new and definitive study that concerns itself with the lives and partnership of the Keartons, especially their role in the history of nature photography (In 1892 Richard and Cherry Kearton took the first ever photograph of a bird’s nest with eggs)

„On Listening“ is a unique collection of forty multi-disciplinary perspectives drawn from anthropology, bioacoustics, geography, literature, community activism, sociology, religion, philosophy, art history, conflict mediation and the sonic arts including music, ethnomusicology and field recording

„The Regional Book“ examines, in descriptions of forty-four locations, the Broads’ varied constitution: nature reserves, towns, riversides, marshes, seasides, waterways broad and narrow, broads landlocked and connected |

In September 2010 a team of three researchers—two cultural geographers and a photographer—set out to find and visit workplaces in the South West where people repair broken things. The result is „Visible mending„.