A two-night concert series pairing books with electronic music composers
curated by Felicity Mangan
Books for Earworms is a two-night concert series pairing books with electronic music composers at Zabriskie Buchladen. Composers will present site-specific solo performances that create an immersive experience within the context of the bookshop. The idea for this concept is inspired and plays on the notion of food and wine pairing. In this case, composers select or ‘pair’ themselves with a book from the specialist bookshop.The title ‘Books for Earworms’ refers to the expression earworm – when a tune that is no longer heard is continually repeated in a person’s mind also known as (IMI) Involuntary Musical Imagery.The series is curated by Felicity Mangan, who invited three other sound composers to join her.
gefördert durch initiative neue musik berlin e.V.Registration and ticket
sales: http://www.eventbrite.de/…/books-for-earworms-1-doron…
Single-Ticket: 8€ Double Ticket: 16€
Please remember that visitors need a negative test result from the same day and a ffp2 mask to attend the concert. Maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from others. We follow the Berlin senate’s ongoing Covid-19 guidelines.
Doron Sadja is an American artist, currently based in Berlin and Los Angeles is a composer, educator, and instrument designer whose work explores modes of perception and the experience of sound, light, and space. Working primarily with multichannel spatialized sound – combining pristine electronics with lush romantic synthesizers, extreme frequencies, dense noise, and computer-enhanced acoustic instruments, Sadja creates post-human, hyper-emotive sonic architecture. Although each of Sadja’s works are striking in their singular and focused approach, his output is diverse: spanning everything from immersive multichannel sound pieces to sexually provocative performance / installation works, and stroboscopic smoke, mirror, laser, and projection shows.
Doron runs the Sound Portraits lecture listening series and online radio show which examines the life and work of different iconic electronic music composers each month. He is a teacher at Catalyst Institute for Art and Technology in Berlin where he teaches Creative Technologies in their Masters Degree Program, and Electronic Music Performance and Composition in their Bachelors Degree Program.
@doronkysadjonky … doron.sadja.com
Heather Frasch ist Komponistin akustischer und elektroakustischer Konzertmusik, Musikerin (Flöte, Laptop/Elektronische Musik & Klangobjekte) und schafft interaktive Klanginstallationen sowie digitale Instrumente. Durch die Arbeit mit komplexen Klangfarben, instabilen Notationssystemen und Elektronik, erforscht sie in ihren Werken Konzepte des Fragilen und der Stille im Kontext intermedialer Klangkunstpraktiken. Inspiriert von der Ent-körperlichung von Akusmatik-Methoden untersucht sie die Ver-körperlichung von Klang sowie Formen von Intimität zwischen Menschen und ihren technologischen Apparaten. Sie ist eine der Leiter*innen von mumei publishing, einer Onlineplattform für Zeitschriften und Monographien zu Wahrnehmungsformen von Text und Klang, sowie von vibrant matter, wo sie Veranstaltungen kuratiert, die Verflechtungen von Text/Objekt und Klang erforschen. Sie hat an der University of California in Berkely promoviert. Weitere Abschlüsse umfassen: IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique), in Paris, Frankreich, Conservatoire Nationale de Region de Lyon in Frankreich und Temple University in Philadelphia USA. Frasch war Composer-in-residence am IEM, Institüt für Musik und Akustik, in Graz, Österreich (2015) und am Villa Ruffieux, in Sierre, Schweiz (2017) Andere Auszeichnungen umfassen: artist residency bei EMS in Stockholm (2014), George Ladd Prix de Paris in Composition (2008), International Sergei Slonimsky Composition Competition Prize (2012), und Nicol DeLorernzo Prize in Composition (2010 and 2008). Ihre Arbeiten wurden vom Ensemble SurPlus, sfSound, Vertixe Sonora, Adapter Ensemble, BCMP gespietl u.a. bei Festivals wie Moscow Autumn Festival, San Francisco Tape Festival, NYCEMF, Mixtur Festival, hcmf//, und Akademie Schloss Solitude. Von 2018-2020 war sie Gastprofessorin für Komposition an der Universität von Virginia.
@hrfrasch … www.heatherfrasch.net