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Basalt by Ross Gibson - Lost Rocks (05)

Basalt by Ross Gibson - Lost Rocks (05)

Ross Gibson

A Published Event



18 x 11 x 1

96 pages

Regular price 14,00 €
Regular price Sale price 14,00 €
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In teeming numbers the eels move through this vibrant world of water. Arriving during the rainy season when the remnant-lakes swell and the volcanic plain swells like a colander in a tub, the eels leave the salt water, summoned to the freshwater by a baffling endocrinal change that compels them landward to furlough as another kind of fish for a while. Ross Gibson is an artist, writer and Centenary Professor in Creative & Cultural Research at the University of Canberra. Recent works include the books 26 Views of the Starburst World (UWAP) and Stone Grown Cold (Cordite Books) and the co-production of the ABC Radio National Feature 'Energy Grids'. Outside academia he was inaugural Creative Director at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (1998 - 2002) and a Senior Consultant Producer for the establishment of the Museum of Sydney (1993 - 96).
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