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Copper by Catherine Rose Evans - Lost Rocks (28)

Copper by Catherine Rose Evans - Lost Rocks (28)

Catherine Evans

Lost Rocks




18 x 11 x 1

93 pages

Regular price 14,00 €
Regular price Sale price 14,00 €
Sale Temporarily not in stock
Tax included.
But there was no implosion. The opposite happened; the hospital partially exploded and before we understood what was happening, great plumes of water rose up towards the sky as the shrapnel arched towards us. Great parts of the hospital flew at high speed towards the crowd in a silent theatre of gravity and mass and the unharnessed possibilities of matter. ‘Lost Rocks (2017–21)’ is an ambitious, slow-publishing artwork – a library of forty three books, by forty six artists over five years. A unique seam of mineralogical and metaphysical telling unfolds. Catherine Evans is an artist working across photography, sculpture and installation. Initially trained in science and then photography, her studio and research practice is focused on geologic time and where this intersects with our own human timescales: as found in our bodies, their materiality, and our subjective histories through colonialism and archaeology. Dividing her time between Melbourne and Berlin, she was the 2017 Georges Mora Fellow, Melbourne, and received first prize in the 2020 Neukölln Art Prize, Berlin.      
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