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Fossil by Perdita Phillips - Lost Rocks (24)

Fossil by Perdita Phillips - Lost Rocks (24)

Perdita Phillips

Lost Rocks




18 x 11 x 1

93 pages

Regular price 14,00 €
Regular price Sale price 14,00 €
Sale Temporarily not in stock
Tax included.
This is not a jellyfish. Perdita Phillips is an Australian artist/researcher primarily interested in the environment who often refers to scientific understanding in her work. At the same time she is interested in things that aren’t explained by science which might be about what is not seen or logically sensible. Using many different media including walking, mapping and listening, her work is marked by a continuing interest in the relationships between humans and nonhuman others (rocks, plants, animals, ecosystem processes). She has published Invisible Monsters (2018), A simple rain (Vivienne Glance and Perdita Phillips 2012) and birdlife (2011, edited by Nyanda Smith and Perdita Phillips) with Lethologica Press and in 2017 she created the limited edition Wingenretnuh with BookMachine.          
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