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hear & now – a reading soundtrack to Huxley's 'island' (Tape)

hear & now – a reading soundtrack to Huxley's 'island' (Tape)

the organic music society


Tape / music cassette

11 x 7 x 1,6


Regular price 10,00 €
Regular price Sale price 10,00 €
Sale Temporarily not in stock
Tax included.
Aldous Huxley's Island was published in 1962 and can be understood as a his utopian counterpoint to Brave New World. In his final novel, Huxley weaves in themes like meditation, psychedelics, tantra and spirituality in general.

The main protagonist's exploration of the island and its culture is set inside a political thriller that takes place in a retro-timeless 1960s. hear & now, the reading soundtrack to accompany the reading of Island, collects the music that may have emerged out of this parallel reality.

The 120 minutes of music have been compiled using 100% solar energy and recorded onto recycled, high-quality chrome tapes. So get your phone or walkman out, find a good second-hand copy of the book and find a place in nature to sit down and read. Attention.


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