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Marble by Louisa King & Jo Paterson Kinniburgh - Lost Rocks (22)

Marble by Louisa King & Jo Paterson Kinniburgh - Lost Rocks (22)

Louisa King & Jo Paterson Kinniburgh

Lost Rocks




18 x 11 x 1

92 pages

Regular price 14,00 €
Regular price Sale price 14,00 €
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It was an industry that spawned respectable businessmen in the Australian cities, whose names still designate streets and suburbs: men who made their start on the islands off Tasmania. Louisa King is an artist. Her practice is one of site responsive landscape experimentation, carried out through installation, drawing and performative writing. Turning towards the Anthropocene, Louisa’s practice explores the dialectic potential of landscape architectural practice in accessing the nature/culture collapse. Her interest lies in cartography, ficto-criticism, and temporary event based landscape design and material explorations of the geologic city. Louisa is a lecturer in landscape architecture at University Technology Sydney and PhD candidate at RMIT University, Melbourne. Jo Paterson Kinniburgh's research operates between architecture, performance and inter-medial studies, with a focus on possible futures for small contemporary live music performance venues. My work challenges the colonial performance space located on confiscated Maori land for contemporary indigenous performance, by rejecting the stage and working in the margins. Jo is a doctoral candidate working on a thesis entitled The Spatial Dramaturgy of Live Music Performance.
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