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Mudstone by Rory Wray-McCann - Lost Rocks (12)

Mudstone by Rory Wray-McCann - Lost Rocks (12)

Rory Wray-McCann

Lost Rocks




18 x 11 x 1

96 pages

Regular price 14,00 €
Regular price Sale price 14,00 €
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I commence this roll in the mud account, that sets out to loosely predicate and prevaricate, on the little known shiny pleasures that are sometime observed, in the most boring of all the clastic-ites and shytes … the much maligned and ill-forgot mudstones. Rory Wray-McCann is an underground miner who has lived on the West Coast of Tasmania for nearly three decades, working and helping to raise and fund a family of three. He got out of 'the black rabbit game' a while ago and rebadged himself as a surface tip rat with a creative bent. Rory uses the materials of the Tasmanian landscape, mainly rocks and crystals, as his palette, creating large scale geological compositions set in concrete.
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