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Texte zur Kunst - Issue No. 114 / June 2019 "The Sea"

Texte zur Kunst - Issue No. 114 / June 2019 "The Sea"

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The sea has inspired artists, writers, and thinkers for centuries; but what has changed in our view of the sea since the canonical seafaring novels and paintings of the 19th century? In the June issue of Texte zur Kunst, dedicated to the mysteries and violence of the deep, we examine the sea from a media-theoretical perspective as well as from the perspective of current political and ecological catastrophes. For this issue, the theoretical texts are punctuated by photo essays by four artists who have dealt with the sea as a biosphere as well as a transit system for container vessels. In short, we realize just how important it is to look at the sea again, and again. Table of contents ◦ 4 PREFACE ◦ 30 Bernhard Siegert THE SINKING OF A STEAMBOAT / Robert Carrick’s, William Suhr’s, David Bull’s, and J. M. W. Turner’s “Rockets and Blue Lights” (1840–2003) ◦ 50 Nadja Abt SEAWOMEN ◦ 62 Ashna Ali MEDITERRANEAN BORDERLAND ◦ 74 Susanne M. Winterling CODE AND POETRY OF THE SEA ◦ 82 IN THE THICKNESS OF THE CROSSING / Challenging the Liquid Violence of Borders in the Mediterranean – An interview with Charles Heller ◦ 96 Mandla Reuter MOUNTAIN WATER ◦ 106 D. Graham Burnett JETSAM ◦ 114 Hira Nabi HOW TO DISMANTLE A SHIP IN NINE STEPS ◦ 120 Franziska Brons THE SEA: MEDIUM AND MILIEU • Liebe Arbeit Kino ◦ 140 FOR A PANAFRICAN PAST AND FUTURE! / Michaela Ott über das Jubiläum des subsaharischen Filmfestivals FESPACO in Ouagadougou • Rotation ◦ 144 DIE UNANGENEHME VERWANDTE / Vojin Saša Vukadinović über „Last Days at Hot Slit. The Radical Feminism of Andrea Dworkin“ von Johanna Fateman und Amy Scholder (Hg.) • Reviews ◦ 144 A LEGIBLE FUTURE / Jeffrey West Kirkwood on “The New Alphabet” at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin ◦ 153 LEERSTELLEN IN DER VERGANGENHEIT, RISSE IN DER GEGENWART / Sven Beckstette über Dierk Schmidt im Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid ◦ SUBJECTS OF MADNESS: NANOTYRANNUS, RAW CHAMPAGNE, AND BREASTS LIKE CAMELLIAS / Nina Prader on “Flying High: Women Artists of Art Brut” at the Kunstforum Vienna ◦ 162 AFROATLANTISCHE GESCHICHTEN / Frauke Zabel über Rubem Valentim im Museu de Arte de São Paulo ◦ SYSTEMIC AESTHETICIZATION / Sven Lütticken on Pierre Huyghe at the Serpentine Gallery, London ◦ Civilizational Entanglements / Rike Frank on Rossella Biscotti at the daadgalerie, Berlin ◦ 175 PIPELINE DREAMS / Benjamin Thorel on Lucie Stahl at Freedman Fitzpatrick, Paris ◦ 178 REALITÄTSEFFEKTE / Hannes Loichinger über Jay Chung und Q Takeki Maeda im Kölnischen Kunstverein ◦ 182 FAIL BETTER / Colin Lang on Stefanie Heinze at Capitain Petzel, Berlin ◦ 186 ALLE KÜNSTLER*INNEN LÜGEN / Michael Franz über KP Brehmer im Neuen Museum in Nürnberg ◦ 191 THE DISCREET CHARM OF VANISHING / Estelle Nabeyrat on Lourdes Castro at Musée régional d’art contemporain Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, Sérignan ◦ 194 BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE / David Bussel on Ghislaine Leung at Chisenhale Gallery, London ◦ 197 STABILE UNGLEICHGEWICHTE / Gürsoy Doğtaş über Nil Yalter im Museum Ludwig, Köln ◦ 201 BEST SINGER-SONGPAINTING / Gunter Reski über Norbert Schwontkowski bei Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin ◦ 204 HERE’S AL / Eli Diner on Allen Ruppersberg at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles ◦ 208 BATHETIC FALLACY / Alexandra Symons Sutcliffe on “A Fatal Attraction” at Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin • Obituaries ◦ 212 OKWUI ENWEZOR (1963–2019) / by Ulrich Wilmes, Ute Meta Bauer and Markus Müller, with an introduction by Isabelle Graw ◦ 232 CAROLEE SCHNEEMANN (1939–2019) / by Pamela M. Lee ◦ 234 KARL LAGERFELD (1933−2019) / von Barbara Vinken • Edition ◦ Jana Euler ◦ Helen Marten
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