Entangled Landscapes Vol 2: Catalunya
Entangled Landscapes Vol 2: Catalunya
Ludovica Fallanca (Ed.)
The Preserve Journal
24 x 16 x 1 cm
128 pages
In this volume, you’ll meet inspiring cider-makers, seed-keepers, cheesemakers, and agroecological activists, and you will — among many others — hear powerful stories about efforts to restore Collserola’s farming legacy, to save the semi-wild native cattle of the Albera Mountains, and about the mushroom mania shaping Catalan legislation. You'll also find recipes that express the region's unique food culture, and learn about the wild edible plants that grow the landscapes of Catalunya. You can see much more about the fascinating contents in the visuals below!
We know that Catalunya holds many more inspiring stories than the ones we were able to capture and portray in this volume, but we believe this collection is a great starting point for the exploration of stunning Catalunya!
It is indeed becoming increasingly difficult (almost impossible!) to navigate and exist in the deep and troublesome waters of independent and advertisement-free publishing, and we are therefore very grateful for the funding we have received from 'Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Ein Fonds der Stadt Wien' and their media initiative, as this funding has made this volume of Entangled Landscapes possible.
Catalunya: A gastronomic history and landscape
by Abril Macías Ávila
Where the Wild Things Are
by Rebeka Győrfi
The Formatges that Form Us: A Treatise on Catalan Cheese
by Barney Pau
A Mosaic of Possibilities: Restoring Collserola’s Farming Legacy
by Alexandra Kyvik
Edible Landscapes
by Abril Macías Ávila with illustrations by Beatriz Oliver Ferrándiz
Bonkers for Bolets: The Mushroom Mania Shaping Catalan Legislature
by Barney Pau with illustrations by Mònica Solsona
Saving the cattle of the Albera Mountains
by Marie Kerkeling
A Sea of Olive Trees
by Marta Claret, translation by David Ronder
Cultivating history: Restoring Catalunya’s memory, one seed at a time
by Astrid Fedel
Taste of Catalunya: Recipes
With recipes by Villa Más, Bar Brutal, Restaurant Sol Blanc, and TIBERI BAR and illustrations by Pol Montserrat
Wines of Catalunya